What Kinds of Compensation Might I Get After an Auto Accident?


What Kinds of Compensation Might I Get After an Auto Accident?

You or your loved one have just been hit by a careless driver. You’re injured, but alive, and understandably distraught. How on Earth are you to pay all of these medical bills? The expense came out of the blue, and now on top of it you’re unable to work.

JD Haas, a Minneapolis team of car crash injury lawyers, is here for you. Though insurance policies and car crash injury cases are complicated and individualistic, below you’ll find some rules of thumb for figuring out money matters after an automobile accident.

Insurance Basics

The money you will receive to get you back on your feet after an auto accident comes from insurance coverage.

In Minnesota, it’s a requirement to carry certain types of vehicle-related insurance—one of which is called No Fault insurance, or Personal Injury Protection (PIP for short). So don’t panic about paying medical costs just yet; this insurance comes into play regardless of who was at fault in the accident. It helps to cover both your medical bills and money you may have lost from lost employment.

Sometimes, unfortunately, you might be subject to fees after a car accident. Additional coverage required by the state includes Liability insurance. If you are found to be responsible for the car accident, it comes into play, covering anything that the other driver’s No Fault insurance didn’t. If it exceeds the amount your insurance will cover, you might be on the hook for the extra money.

What if I’m Still in a Tough Spot?

Insurance agencies can be stingy; we get it. If, after a car crash, you’re left drowning in expenses, we recommend contacting an injury lawyer.

A multi-talented team of injury attorneys like those at JD Haas not only can help you explore legal options that may get you additional compensation, but we can also dissect your insurance policy, cutting through the wordiness to get you the compensation your policy declares you deserve.

Court Opportunities

If you don’t want to take your car accident to court, you by no means have to. However, our dedicated legal lineup may very well suggest it as an option, as it opens the doors to a variety of potential compensatory opportunities. Regardless of your choice of action, our personal injury attorneys are here to support you every step of the way. You’re going through a tough time as it is—it’s absolutely the least we can do.

JD Haas: Here for You Always

Through tough times and good ones, our legal team is always here to give you the help you need. Give our Minneapolis office a call today at (952) 234-8039. In addition to Minneapolis, we also serve the Bloomington, Rochester, and Saint Paul areas.

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